time for an official go at this spot. been wanting to add this to my little list here - honestly it's already been one of my favourite spots to go to ever since i started living in toronto during my time at Ryerson (now called "toronto metropolitan whatever the fuck"). after a week of non-stop work and sleepless nights, i dragged my ass out into the suspiciously warm sunlight of this november friday. clearly one of the last nice days before the city slips into a rapid icy death for like half a year.
the walk was one of my nicest moments in recent memory. the past few nights it's been a consistent 2 hours of sleep. kind of fucked how the industry normalizes this and absolutely fascinating how much the brain can endure without self destructing. maybe its just a matter of time till im running down queen street eating squirrels and a yelling bible verses. on the bright side, i find my day-to-day anxiety has been at an alltime low. maybe the constant meat grinder in my head made me numb to more miniscule problems that i used to stress over. sort of how people in the military come back not giving a fuck about anything. honestly, treating my current lifestyle as a sort of navy seal bootcamp makes living a bit easier. And i learn to fully appreciate moments like these little walks for pizza.
I went to the queen and bathurst location, different from the church street stop im used to. now I love the church location but man, this spot tasted way better for some reason and i swear it's not because i was hit by a bit of a crush on one of the girls working the ovens. maybe i got lucky, but there was a perfect amount of imperfections on this pie. it looked beautiful, not sculpted by a machine, but a real thing made with imperfect humans hands. the flat surface was broken with a bunch of little dough bubbles, the edges were slightly burnt, and the cheese looked messy and layered. it was real. like a movie that doesn't keep it safe, that shows the darker side of humans, the kind of movie where grain jitters around the frame, and unfamiliar actors fall into their roles unapologetically. the sauce distribution wasn't overdone but was evenly coated so every bite had everything you needed. my favourite part was the cheese. on top of the usual mozzarella was what tasted like aged cheddar. it had a sort of tang and bitterness to it that i loved. i felt spoiled. even the slightly burnt patches on the crust added "definition" and "grittiness" to the crunch and flavour, if that makes any sense at all.
I ate almost the whole pie on the walk back to the office, stuffing my face in front of passing strangers, all the while looking forward to some midnight screening of david lynch's Eraserhead I had scheduled for tonight.
